Horse fence system
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Why our horse fences work…
Because they are designed by folks who own horses with the needs of both horse and horse owner in mind.
While cost is a factor, it is never our first concern. More important is the safety of horse and rider, installation ease and reliability of the components.
Important reminders:
1. The smaller and less visible a barrier, the more chance a horse may run into, through or over it.
2. Risk, be it to horse, fence or horse owner, is inherent in the nature of horses and horse barriers. The risk can be reduced via increased visibility and/or safer materials—but risk cannot be eliminated.
Fences must be easily seen by horses (and people)…
Because their eyes are on the sides of their head, horses are less able than people to clearly see small objects directly in front of them when running.
That’s why they occasionally run into steel wire fences—and in doing so, risk serious injury and/or escape. Escaped horses are serious road hazards.
Knowing this, we designed our ropes and tapes with the equine vision capabilities in mind. That's why:
1. They have contrasting colors for visibility against all backgrounds.
2. They're flexible and large enough in diameter that direct impact by a horse rarely results in injury.
Why electric fences from others may not work well…
• Single-color conductors are not visible enough for horses to see.
• Most electrifiable tapes have too little elasticity for temperature changes. They become loose, sag and wear as the wind blows them.
• Some fence energizers provide very high output in volts and joules. Their shock may cause horses to panic.
• Many insulators are not able to hold tape securely in high winds.
• Many ropes are made of inferior material to cut their cost.They sell better than they perform.
Warning: Do not use high-tensile smooth wire fences for horses!
High-tensile wire fences look nice, are not expensive and are easy for contractors to install. Nonetheless, Premier advises against such fences for horses though we promote them for other species.
Why? Because HT wire can produce terrible equine injuries. The wire is very strong yet small—it behaves like a cheese-cutter on flesh when accidently kicked or impacted at speed. It’s difficult for horses to see most HT wires so they are less able to avoid them. If you already have such fences, it’s a potential injury in waiting. As a fix we suggest installing an offset strand of energized rope to enable horses to better see and avoid the wires.